Friday, April 27, 2007

30 Reasons to Love Becky

For Becky's grand 30th birthday I sent her this list of 30 reasons to love her. I thought all of you would like to read it too. It is so Becky.

30 Reasons to love Becky

1. When she gets excited about something she talks really fast and like says like a lot.
2. She can make friends with anyone.
3. She will find a reason to bake, whether it is a birthday, a rainy day, trying to form allies, or she just really wants to eat cookie dough.
4. If Becky doesn’t like you, you must really be a horrible person.
5. She has this ability to disappear when the dishes need to be done.
6. She doesn’t get annoyed with her little sister; at least she doesn’t let it show.
7. If she does get annoyed with her little sister, she will laugh about it later.
8. Her personality is defined by her sometimes clueless antics.
9. She loves to get excited about doing these really fun things when we get together as a family and then we never do them.
10. She will have long conversations with you to analyze the details of her personal life.
11. She will drive long distances with a friend just because they need someone to come along.
12. She once went through a Beatles/hippie phase and wanted to drive a VW Bug with flowers painted all over it.
13. She loves music and is popular for creating “the best of” and “greatest hits” CDs.
14. She plays the piano and has a beautiful singing voice, but she would never let anyone know.
15. She has an apparent ability to make smart guys “dumb” when they like her.
16. When her little sister was in junior high she thought Becky was the coolest big sister ever and wanted to be just like her.
17. Her little sister still thinks Becky is the coolest big sister ever, but she loves Becky for being different than herself.
18. When you are driving with her, don’t let her talk or she will miss the turn.
19. To her, U2 is another way of saying, “All that is good in this world.”
20. She knows that she is not perfect and please, why try?
21. She thinks her love life should be like Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy’s.
22. The words “rad” and “awesome” are a part of her top 10 most frequently used words.
23. She loves to be outside and enjoys finding herself in the beauties of the natural world.
24. She is smart…I mean it, really.
25. If you ever have to share a room with her she will get the real bed and you can have the trundle.
26. For her, life without books wouldn’t be life at all.
27. Her idea of a vacation is teaching to poor children in India.
28. Deciding what she wants to do with her life has been a series of ever changing plans.
29. You know those movies that you are embarrassed to admit that you like? Well, she likes a multitude of those.
30. She is turning 30 and she rocks!

1 comment:

Boyce said...

There's more than thirty.
Love, Mom